Tuesday 29 September 2009

xEUCF complete.

This tournament was quite a long time in the making for the organisers (credit to Si Hill and co) and for Lookfly as well. It's rare that an opportunity comes around where we'll have such a dense population of the Ultimate players from so many different countries and it's so close to our doorstep.

We couldn't also forget however that it's also a good deal of pressure. With so many people coming and likely seeing us for the 1st time it was the best opportunity to screw it all up as well.

We started brainstorming on how to present the shop, what new products to introduce and how to best approach the way to place ourselves once there more than 6 months ago. Sketches were drawn up for the shop, we had design session days where we came up with and mostly threw away so many concepts. Our goal was to provide the tournament with a service and not just a sales outlet. So began the idea of the Lookfly Village Green, our best effort at providing an environmentally friendly shop and lounge area for players.

Most of the contents of the shop fit and lounge was borrowed or reused somehow. The bags were biodegradable, the 1800 player passes we were asked to help create were recycled or biodegradable in some sense as well. The used furniture came from a donation of £260 to the local Heart Foundation Charity and was returned to the same charity shop immediately after to be resold again.

From a product perspective we introduced our sublimated shorts and our ability to do this kind of printing in general. We had a stack of new lifestyle wear that was a bit different but seemed to go over well enough and our teasers for our new fabric technology went down very very well. Our new fabric mill is the real deal. Envionmentally conscious, local to us and quite advanced in what they can provide. I'll write another article about fabric developments later.

Overall we were really pleased with the 4 day weekend. We weren't the only Ultimate supplier on show so we had to scrub up and put on our Sunday best. In spite of not being selected to be the official merch provider I think we presented Lookfly in a positive way, met loads of cool people in our lounge and got numerous thanks from those parents with small children for our constant supply of hot water from the tea and coffee area. Time for a quick rest and back to work.

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